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A Healthy Spirit: Daily Devotion with the Bible and Spiritual Books

Our bodies need food to go through the day. Without it, we will be weakened, probably can’t think or work well, or perhaps even get sick. And while food is necessary for our physical well-being, our spiritual health also requires it through the Word of God. Daily devotional and reflection, praying, praising, and worshiping the Lord among many others are necessary to be done to face life challenges.

While the Bible is the most common and best way to learn the Word of God, other sources like catholic spiritual books may also help a lot. For one thing, these books are written in line with what God said in the Bible and for another thing these are made spirit-led that could inspire readers in a number of ways and in a very interesting manner.

Like the Holy Bible, reading or doing devotionals with catholic spiritual books and related sources could help people’s spiritual health. Specifically, these can (1) reveal God’s will, (2) remind us of our salvation, and (3) give us a sense of hope. Let us discuss these three items below:

Revealing God’s Will

Many times believers and non-believers alike question why they exist on earth. Some may be triggered by hardships but others simply feel without any concrete reason that is, they simply feel empty without really knowing what is their life’s purpose despite of abundance. Regardless of the reasons though, doing daily devotional with spiritual books could help reveal God’s will into our lives.

Reminding Us of Our Salvation

Oftentimes, we are in bondage of our sins. Even we already accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior and asked for forgiveness, the devil still lies to us about our sins. However, if we keep the Word of God in our hearts, we will know the Jesus already paid the price on the cross centuries ago. But Christians usually forget about this freely given salvation especially if we are too preoccupied on many things of the world. Luckily, the Bible and the catholic spiritual books are created to remind us of our salvation and to keep us moving. These are just there waiting to be opened and read heartily.

Giving Us a Sense of Hope

A world devoid of hope is awful! It makes people depressed and do not want to live anymore. The truth is, this is exactly what the enemy wants us to feel or experience. He wants us to be unhappy and hopeless. But in contrary, God’s greatest plan for us is to be happy, enjoy life in accordance to His Word, and have a bright future. These promises are written in the Bible and large part of it may be included in some chapters of spiritual or devotional books to help open the eyes of the readers about God-given hope.

There is story of a rich couple who was not blessed with children. Indeed they prayed hard, asking for at least one child. Since they kept on reading spiritual books, they did not lose hope. If old Abraham and barren Sarah were given many children, then they will be given too, they said. Fast forward, the couple now have 3 beautiful and healthy kids after 15 years of praying and hoping in God.

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